

Download log:

Count the number of devices:
hive> select count(distinct device_id) from download_log;

Count the download times of different users:
hive> select device_id, count(device_id) rank from download_log group by device_id order by rank desc;
or: hive> select uid, device_id, count(device_id) rank from download_log group by uid, device_id order by rank desc;

Count the download times of different apps:
hive> select apk_url, appid, count(appid) rank from download_log group by apk_url, appid order by rank desc;

Detail log:

Count the detail times of different users:
hive> select device_id, count(device_id) rank from detail_log group by device_id order by rank desc;

Count the detail times of different apps:
hive> select package_name, count(package_name) rank from detail_log group by package_name order by rank desc;

Save the result into local file system:
hive> insert overwrite local directory '$your_path'
select device_id, count(device_id) rank from download_log group by device_id order by rank desc;

Save the result into HDFS:
hive> insert overwrite directory '$your_path'
select device_id, count(device_id) rank from download_log group by device_id order by rank desc;

Save the result into other table:
hive> insert into table test
select device_id, count(device_id) rank from download_log group by device_id order by rank desc;

