- “Parallel variable distribution”
- Unconstrained parallel variable distribution;
- PVD with block separable constraints;
- PVD with general constraints: min f(x) such that g(x) <= 0;
Handling inseparable constraints: exterior penalty[8], augmented Lagrangian methods[17], [3]. Avoid both of difficulties of above: the dual differentiable exact penalty function[10].
- “Parallel variable distribution for constrained optimization”
Some methods: Block-Jacobi[2], updated conjugate subspaces[10], coordinate descent[21], parallel gradient distribution[14], PVD.
- Nonconvex separable constraints
- Convex inseparable constraints
Mainly prove the convergence of optimization problems with general convex constraints.
- Nonconvex separable constraints
- Convex inseparable constraints
- “On the Convergence of Constrained Parallel Variable Distribution Algorithms”
Mainly prove the convergence of optimization problems with general convex constraints.